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The Liturgy of the Hours

Nov 4, 2022

Presented by Luther Seminary Chapel, led by Musician in Residence Andy Pokel, The Rev. Elise Pokel, and Jami Goetz. 

Oct 28, 2022

Welcome to the Liturgy of the Hours, by Luther Seminary Chapel, prayer for wherever you may be. 

Change is in the air. Leaves like nature’s confetti fall to the ground, vibrant and fleeting. It is a season of the church that marks changes, re-formations, the reformation, ever passing through truth to freedom, ever...

Sep 6, 2022

The Liturgy of the Hours by Luther Seminary, a prayer podcast for wherever you may be. 

Prayer. Our reaching out to God and God’s reaching in to us. A connection. A hope. We are not alone in this universe. God in Jesus has come in flesh. God in Spirit comes as breath. 

Luther Seminary Musician in Residence Andy Pokel,...

Jan 11, 2022

The Liturgy of the Hours by Luther Seminary Chapel, prayer for wherever you may be.

With joy we share with you Brightness + Shadows on Epiphany, an Evening Vespers Service for the time after Epiphany. Brightness + Shadows was created by Tree of Life Lutheran Church in the North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis and is...

Dec 12, 2021

Liturgy of the Hours, by Luther Seminary Chapel

Advent calls us to pause, to prepare, to slow down when the world is speeding up.

Our special gift to you in this season is One and All, Vespers for Advent by The Reverend Elise and Andy Pokel. One and All was created with fresh expressions of traditional themes of...