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The Liturgy of the Hours

Sep 15, 2020

This bonus episode of the Liturgy of the Hours is presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and the MDIVX Program. Prayer that goes with you wherever you may be. The Liturgy of the Hours is an ancient practice of prayer throughout the day to help keep track of time. We offer one episode with three chapters: for morning prayer, evening prayer and night prayer. 

Chapter One, prayer for the morning at 0:00

Chapter Two, prayer for the evening at 15:00

Chapter Three, prayer for the night at 40:30

This week's liturgists are Nate Crary, Tom Witt, Mary Preus and Jonathan Rundman. The readings are offered by the Second cohort of the MDIVX Program. 

Portions are streamed from #A730924 and Augsburg Fortress Annual License #26450, CCLI #1725436