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The Liturgy of the Hours

Feb 9, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours, presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.

It is Transfiguration, the event when Jesus became dazzling light and illuminated a new time and a new way. This is my child, the beloved, listen to him, God says. This way, this time would lead Jesus down the mountain...

Feb 2, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours podcast, by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.

We lean into the comfort of the prophet whose audience were people in exile, cut off from home and replanted beyond their border. He gave comfort to those who couldn’t be consoled and a future to those who lived with...

Jan 26, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours podcast, by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.

It's Ordinary Time, but it is the extraordinary love of Jesus that gathers us. We call it ordinary, perhaps, to remember that Jesus comes into our everyday ordinary lives and calls us into mercy and peace right where we...

Jan 19, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours podcast, by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.

Martin Luther King Day falls this week. It is a day set aside to remember the life and legacy of Dr. King. It is love that transforms us and transforms the world.

Liturgists: Luther Sem Alumni Josh & Sally Messner, &...

Jan 12, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours podcast, by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.

This Nation has changed since our last episode was released. Impeachment, further unrest, and division weighs down the cold, crisp, winter air. We hold our breath. We shout out. And Jesus finds us where we are; knows us...