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The Liturgy of the Hours

Jul 20, 2020

Luther Seminary Chapel presents: The Liturgy of the Hours Podcast, prayer that goes with you wherever you may be. The Liturgy of the Hours is an ancient practice of prayer that takes place throughout various times of the day. We offer one episode with three chapters: for morning prayer, evening prayer and night prayer. 

  • Chapter One, Matins, Prayer for the Morning Time at 0:00
  • Chapter Two, Vespers, Prayer for Evening Time at 12:30
  • Chapter Three, Compline, Prayer for Night Time at 32:30

Luther Seminary MDiv Student Jonathan Rundman leads the liturgy of the hours along with his family band. MDiv Student Danni Dunasky offers readings. Texts are assigned for Ordinary Time #17, Year A.

“Canticle of Departure”
“Psalm Tone Blues”
music by Jonathan Rundman
cp2005 Salt Lady Music (ASCAP)
from A Heartland Liturgy
CCLI # 5819023

Portions are streamed from #A730924 and Augsburg Fortress Annual License #26450, CCLI #1725436