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The Liturgy of the Hours

Aug 17, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours by Luther Seminary Chapel.

The 6th chapter of John is the real breadwinner of the lectionary cycle. We sift through it for 5 weeks every three years.

Nate Crary and Hannah Sackett offer us Bread Matins, Daily Prayer for Daily Bread. Produced by Jami Goetz.

Taste and See: The Lord is good.

Aug 9, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours by Luther Seminary Chapel.

The 6th chapter of John is the real breadwinner of the lectionary cycle. We sift through it for 5 weeks every three years.

Nate Crary and Hannah Sackett offer us Bread Matins, Daily Prayer for Daily Bread. Produced by Jami Goetz.

Taste and See: The Lord is good.

Aug 3, 2021

The Liturgy of the Hours by Luther Seminary Chapel.

The 6th chapter of John is the real breadwinner of the lectionary cycle. We sift through it for 5 weeks every three years.

Nate Crary and Hannah Sackett offer us Bread Matins, Daily Prayer for Daily Bread. Produced by Jami Goetz.

Taste and See: The Lord is good.