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The Liturgy of the Hours

Jul 20, 2021

Michael Morris and Green Bouzard offer Selah, a chant based on Psalm 145

The Lord upholds all who are fallen
and raises up all who are bowed down

Produced by Jami Goetz

Nov 17, 2020

Welcome to the Liturgy of the Hours podcast... presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry. Prayer for wherever you may be. 

The Liturgy of the Hours is the passed-through-the-generations practice of daily prayer offered through praise, prayer, song, psalm and scripture. Now available...

Nov 10, 2020

Welcome to the Liturgy of the Hours podcast... presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry. Prayer for wherever you may be. 

The Liturgy of the Hours is the passed-through-the-generations practice of daily prayer offered through praise, prayer, song, psalm and scripture. Now available by...

Nov 2, 2020

Welcome to the Liturgy of the Hours podcast... presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry. Prayer for wherever you may be. 

The Liturgy of the Hours is the passed-through-the-generations practice of daily prayer offered through praise, prayer, song, psalm and scripture. Now available...

Oct 27, 2020

The Liturgy of the Hours podcast... presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry. Prayer for wherever you may be. 

The Liturgy of the Hours is the passed-through-the-generations practice of daily prayer offered through praise, prayer, song, psalm and scripture. Now available by podcast....